All our Payment Methods are 100% secure, processed with warranty by Easypay, under the License n.º 8706, by the Bank of Portugal.
Currently, we have 2 payment systems – the Bank Transfer and the “ATM Reference”. The currency applied is the Euro(€).
Bank Transfer is possible worldwide, following the international standards between bank institutions.
The “ATM Reference” is only possible for Portugal and is based on a “check-digit” reference allowing payment in any ATM or Online Banking connected with SIBS network.
We have already available a third payment method based on the Visa and Mastercard systems, processed in a secure and certified Visa Gateway and Mastercard Gateway, with “card-on-file” technology and an easy checkout, after purchase, with the deletion of data.
After we receive the payment, an e-mail will be sent to the Client confirming the receipt, with the purchase invoice attached and all information related with processing, package dispatching and expected delivery date.